Dr. Omotowa’s services have been requested for topics that include instrumentation, imaging, environmental remediation, and occupational safety.
His appointment and name are added to the roster list of potential candidates for one year and can be renewed at the discretion of the agency. This is a volunteer role and can be quite intense when assessing Phase I and Phase II proposals. All reviewers are under strict guidelines for conflict of interest and confidentiality.
The NIH invitation, is a recognition of Dr. Omotowa’s role as President of Pearlhill Technologies, an Idaho small business that develops innovations in vast areas of chemical technology. Prior to joining the Idaho APEX team, he served as principal investigator (PI) on four Phase I SBIR Awards and two Phase 2 SBIR Awards submitted to the National Science Foundation (NSF) on behalf of Pearlhill Technologies. He has also been the PI on other Phase 1 SBIR Awards for various other companies. In addition, Dr. Omotowa has led some of these technologies in the Phase 3 commercialization process with varying degrees of success. He previously worked as a chemist with the Department of Energy’s Idaho Cleanup program at the Idaho National Laboratory in Idaho Falls. He still collaborates with technical expertise on the development of new innovations in fluorine chemistry, environmental monitoring, and remediation.
Within the Idaho APEX Accelerator, Dr. Omotowa is a consultant on government procurement and the development of Phase 1 and 2 proposals for all 11 SBIR/STTR agencies and program departments. He is a founding member of the Elevate Idaho team, an interagency (APEX, SBDC, and REDI) volunteer group that is committed to advancing opportunity for Idaho small businesses. Elevate Idaho aims to coordinate Idaho Institutions and resources for the maximum number of residents to win available federal support to develop successful commercialization of new deep technologies of the future and accelerate the growth of a diversified Idaho economic base.